Recaptcha for ML Research Companies

Reinventing Recaptcha responsibly.

Define your Digital Roadmap

CaptaChain help AI and machine learning companies label data from the captchas in an efficient and cost-effective manner.

CaptaChain provides easy to integrate endpoint in to your website or mobile app and automatically pays you for every correct choice submitted.

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Rewards Aplenty

Website owners
Website owners

Web partners - Blockchain powered drop-in replacement for existing captcha solutions. New way for website owners to secure their site while generating revenue from the visitors and user base.

Machine learning companies
Machine learning companies

Labelling partners - Most labelling solutions rely on a workforce or whose daily income depends on number of completed tasks. This creates a scenario where companies can crowd-source their process partialy or completely.


Input partners - Revolutionary blockchain powered platform supported by our tokens. Users get rewarded in preferred crypto everytime they submit a correct captcha.


Developers can intergrate simple drop-in to any platform they desire by simple adding a code snippet.

Let's make an inquery.

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